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Publicaciones en noviembre de 2022

29 de noviembre de 2022
Dryer problems can be frustrating. You load up your clothes, set the timer, and wait patiently for them to come out nice and dry only to find that they're still wet. Or, even worse, you come back to find your clothes have been sitting in a hot dryer for hours, making them wrinkled and uncomfortable. You definitely need to call for dryer repair services.
22 de noviembre de 2022
An ice maker/machine is a device that produces ice. It is usually used in restaurants, but they're also commonly used at home. After all, having quick access to lots of ice is something many people love, and the last thing they want to deal with is having no ice when they need it. Unfortunately, even with an ice machine, such a problem can still occur, mostly due to the ice machine itself! Just like any other appliances or machines you may have, your ice maker can break down over time, even to the point where it may not produce as much as it used to or just completely stops. That said, are you worried that your ice machine is nearing that point? Here are a couple of important signs to keep an eye out for to know that your ice maker is in need of a repair:
Microwave repair
22 de noviembre de 2022
4 Common Microwave Repair Problems. Lone Star Appliance Repair provides affordable and quality service for most major appliance brand names. Contact us at 936-647-2364!
15 de noviembre de 2022
If your washing machine or dryer breaks down, it can be a huge inconvenience. Not only do you need to deal with the hassle of having to wash your clothes by hand or take them to a laundromat, but you must also deal with the cost of repairing or replacing your appliance. If you're lucky, the issue is a simple one that can be fixed easily and relatively cheaply. However, if the problem is slightly more serious, it can cost you plenty of money. Either way though, it's best to be aware of the potential issues that can arise so that you can be prepared and call in a professional repair service if something goes wrong. Here are some of the common issues that you can encounter with a washer and dryer:
8 de noviembre de 2022
Laundry room fires are one of the most common types of home fires, and they can be very dangerous. Washer and dryer repair can help you avoid these fires by keeping your appliances in good working order.
Microwave maintenance, Microwave repair
8 de noviembre de 2022
Here's our guide to making your microwave last longer. Are you in need of microwave oven repair? Give us a call today at 936-647-2364!
1 de noviembre de 2022
Your dishwasher may not be doing its best, despite being new. However, you don't necessarily have to blame the manufacturer. Instead, small changes to how you use it can improve its performance greatly. In this article, we will give you the best tips for using your dishwasher and maximizing it.
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